"Relevance to space exploration?" is "Guess where the invisible hoop is, then jump through it"
There are a couple of problems here:
No one is required to sacrifice their time to explain things to you. Of course, getting further information can be necessary, but it absolutely doesn't have to ...
"I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Physics SE" is bad and here's why
I agree, the correct course of action should be:
Is the question on topic here?
Check the help center and meta. If you don't have time to check these, just say "I'm not sure this is a good fit ...
"Relevance to space exploration?" is "Guess where the invisible hoop is, then jump through it"
You're right, I should have vtc with a comment explaining why. Done.
Who has the ability to delete other people's comments
PearsonArtPhoto's answer, while not wrong, isn't entirely accurate.
It is absolutely true that diamond-wielding moderators and Stack Exchange employees can delete any comment at any time. Moderators ...
"I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Physics SE" is bad and here's why
A recently closed question highlights why this may continue to happen (in my opinion). The question is clearly not related to space exploration as written (focusses on aircraft), yet I can't vote to ...
Who has the ability to delete other people's comments
Only those of us who have diamonds can do that. There are 3 of us, who are moderators appointed by SE staff for a site in beta. Oh, and SE employees of course can do the same thing, but they are ...
What is a good reason to have many comments?
Part of the design philosophy of Stack Exchange is that the site is different than a forum, in that you don't have to scroll through long conversations between users to get to critical information, ...
When the real answer may only be in links within comments below the answer, what to do or say?
JCRM is correct that in many cases it is possible to edit the information into the answer for the user, but in this case the user has engaged in a pattern of omitting critical information from the ...
How/where to leave a comment for a user with only a deleted answer?
No, there is no way to notify the user. The best you can hope for is that they drop by and happen to see your comment. Of course, if they do drop by in chat, you can try to catch them then.
What is a good reason to have many comments?
Comments are absolutely temporary; we are very lucky that the good ones stick around as some of them can be incredibly valuable to future readers, but impermanence is as true in Stack Exchange as (...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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