Last evening a relative of mine showed me a photo she took of what she believed was a rocket launch (Note we both know nothing about rockets and such). In the photo the flying "object" is not visible, merely the contrail left behind by it.
Would a question where I post said picture and ask for clarification about whether it could be a rocket or not, and what the characteristics are that concluded to this answer be on topic here? I have an estimate for the time and location, but no exact values.
I'm rather unsure if it would be on topic or not, as i'm not sure if it is a rocket or has to do with space at all, but it might fit the identify-this-object tag.
(I haven't added the picture here so not to derail this question to discussing its contents, but can post it if necessary for determining if it would be on topic)
(I asked if it was on topic on meta aviation as well, who suggested this might be a better fit)