I noticed today that Miss Understands was temporarily suspended. Based on a message in a chat room I think that may have ultimately been Rory Alsop's decision, but I am not sure.
I have no connection to Miss Understands and no particular personal interest in the suspension, but I am a frequent lurker of this board and HNQ and have seen her questions (and comments) on this and other sites. She is often brash, if not outright disrespectful. She is also open about her difficulties in judging other's tone, and frequently asks for specific examples of where she can improve.
In the spirit of that request, I am opening this question: what, in the post-mortem analysis, pushed this user over the line for a temp suspension? An example that comes to mind might be not only assuming that criticism of a question is a personal attack, but then also saying so with comments such as "this guy just doesn't like me".
I remember another user who learned not to take criticism on questions as personal criticism, so I feel that the exercise could have value.