This site is fundamentally about space, exploration, and satellites. As a result, most of the questions could be tagged with the satellites tag. I think it should be banned entirely from the site.
In addition, artificial-satellites should also be banned. However, tags with the word satellite might be allowed in, similar to how tags with the word space might be allowed, depending on their purpose.
After receiving the response I have, I realize I should clarify a bit more why I would like to see this. Any question about satellites should be about something else, such as orbit determination, thrusting, attitude, instruments, etc. Thus, satellites has the tendency to be somewhat of a crutch. For instance, here's every question that currently has the tag artificial-satellites. After doing this exercise, I realized that it's probably not as bad as I thought, but I do believe it is a tag that should be watched carefully.
- Expression for density in the Thermosphere and Exosphere This doesn't have anything to do with satellites.
- What is the life expectancy of a geosynchronous satellite dependent on? This is about orbital lifetime, only barely applied to satellites.
- Are artificial satellites completely sealed or open to space? This one is probably the best question that I find a hard time using other tags to describe.
- How full is the geostationary belt? This one would be okay to use the satellite tag, although I don't like the tagging for the question.
- What is the smallest operational artificial satellite? This is probably okay as well.
- Which artificial satellites in lunar orbit are currently active? This is a somewhat poor question question anyways, but