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The question you're asking is designed to solicit opinions or best-practices on a particular topic, with the goal of reaching community consensus.

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35 votes
6 answers

Resources and references on the topic of space exploration

Which books, journals, articles, or electronic resources are considered a must-read by scientists, engineers, etc., involved in development and design of space missions? I'm looking for the so-called ...
Fezter's user avatar
  • 1,138
9 votes
2 answers

Ideas for off-site Space Exploration community promotion ads

This is not a thread for community ads that would rotate on our own main site, those banner rotations are reserved for already graduated Stack Exchange webistes. However, nobody is stopping us from ...
TildalWave's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

What celestial mechanics questions are on topic here?

On our site we have the celestial-mechanics tag, which has 37 questions. We also have at least a few more questions beyond that that are also about celestial mechanics but have not been tagged. I ...
called2voyage's user avatar
  • 23.7k
10 votes
2 answers

Science in / vs space exploration - is there a boundary?

There is at least one question, which really bugs me: How hard is the Lunar surface? Yes, this is science. Yes, it is planetary science. Yes, it is about space instruments, landings, engineering, ...
s-m-e's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why can't I ask my question about amateur space projects and development?

Notice: For clarity, not all amateur projects are off topic, just those that represent intent to perform work matching the bulleted list below. Why are questions about my personal amateur space ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 7,905
7 votes
19 answers

Topic of the Week H2/2013 [duplicate]

This was the Topic of the Week thread for 2013. The current thread is here. Please post new suggestions there! One of the things that Stack Exchange in general has found effective is to devote a week ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
  • 121k
5 votes
1 answer

Will/would it be impossible for me to add a third bounty here? Why was 500 my only choice for #2?

I've seen some behavior from the bounty system that I did not expect, though it couldn't be called official unexpected behavior. One example is this question. I've been working on it for about 3 ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
17 votes
6 answers

Rules for "Science Fiction" questions

Are there any rules we want to establish for science fiction-style questions (like this one)? I know Physics.SE doesn't allow any Sci-Fi style questions in any form. Do we want to adopt a policy ...
JKor's user avatar
  • 840
17 votes
10 answers

Collection of space exploration related infographics

Infographics can be quite convenient sometimes, collating information from multiple sources and/or describing complex concepts in easy to understand and often visually pleasing way. Problem is, there ...
TildalWave's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Where is our demarcation line between Space Exploration and Physics?

There are quite a number of question topics that could fit on either. Do we have thoughts on what will make a question better fit here or on Physics? If it asks for mathematics, does that make it a ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 13.6k
13 votes
3 answers

What shall our canonical question and answer regarding moon hoax conspiracy theories be?

Official community answer regarding the reality of the Apollo moon landings here: How do we know the Apollo Moon landings are real? Overall voting, on both our questions here in Meta on how to handle ...
kim holder's user avatar
  • 21.4k
10 votes
2 answers

Should nonsensical question titles be edited?

Recently this question was posted: Is the ISS a tennis racket? I think the question itself is good, but the question title by itself does not make any sense without context. This makes it useless in ...
Ludo's user avatar
  • 14.4k
5 votes
17 answers

Topic of The Week Q1/2014 [duplicate]

For the first quarter of 2014, we're going to make a new Topic of the Week thread - the old one was getting rather crowded. The plan is to make a new one every quarter or so. From the old one: Each ...
user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Topic of The Week [frozen due to lack of community support]

This is the second quarter 2014 Topic of The Week thread, where we are gathering suggestions for which of our main site tags should receive more attention and we should focus on providing more ...
TildalWave's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Software tools for space exploration available online

There are a lot of calculators, simulators, plotters, visualizers, and libraries of bits of code and models and such online. Many of us are aware of a bunch of them, and they are great learning tools ...
kim holder's user avatar
  • 21.4k
11 votes
6 answers

Should we have a canonical response for folks intent on blowing themselves up?

Inspired by this question and others I've seen like it. Do we want to steer clear of advising people who are asking questions about performing experiments that are clearly dangerous beyond their ...
Tristan's user avatar
  • 17.3k
11 votes
2 answers

How can we work to include more professional questions in this site?

So far, I've seen some great questions, mostly on the theoretical level. As Robert Cartaino mentioned on this question, we are lacking in questions in general that are "Real World" problems, the types ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
  • 121k
10 votes
2 answers

Is military use of space on topic? Is weaponry testing on topic?

There are military aspects of space exploration. The space technology is hugely impacted by the military needs and applications on the levels of spacecraft designs, available technologies, ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

MathJax in titles?

I have a sense that adding MathJax to titles can interfere with questions being picked up correctly by search engines, and so the practice is discouraged when not particularly helpful. I think I've ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
9 votes
4 answers

Policy on recycling example questions from Area 51

I've not followed a proposal all the way though beta before. We have example questions that are submitted in the definition phase.
AlanSE's user avatar
  • 16.3k
9 votes
3 answers

What is the status of Space SE's beta rating?

What is the status of Space SE's beta rating as of January 2016, and when will we become a fully graduated site?
My Other Head's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Educational resources to accompany Space Exploration

We have a couple threads containing infographics and a wide array of important books covering the topics we discuss on this site. Let's try to collect educational resources! This can include video ...
Stu's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Community Policy Repository

This is the official repository for general community policy decisions. On Posts What is the best approach to asking questions? Can I write an answer to my own question and accept it? When can I post ...
called2voyage's user avatar
  • 23.7k
6 votes
2 answers

Should I create a new tag?

There's a bunch of words in my question that don't have tags yet. Can I just add them all?
called2voyage's user avatar
  • 23.7k
6 votes
2 answers

Tags: space-law vs. international-law

I've started on the tagging, and I've already noticed two related tags: space-law and international-law. The few questions I've noticed could be tagged with either, as far as I can tell. Are we ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is beta-graduation the goal here? With a limited reserve of high-quality answer-writers, might it present more challenges?

I'm a big fan of this site, and have spent most of my SE time here. The technical level of the community is an incredible resource, and the moderation top-notch. I think this site is an excellent ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
5 votes
5 answers

What sort of chat events could we schedule?

There are usually a few individuals idling in The Pod Bay, and it has a good level activity. I'd hate to see that activity slump as we move further into beta (as it seems to be with most sites). I ...
JohnB's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Be welcoming - a new Space Exploration Stack Exchange

If you haven't already seen the new Stack Overflow blog post, please take the time to do so: Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change. You may have noticed this tidbit ...
called2voyage's user avatar
  • 23.7k
3 votes
2 answers

Do I police this site as if it were my own?

This comment says: @uhoh: That's good for you. It is very unclear to me, because your interpretation doesn't make sense, as other comments have pointed out. Not objective indeed, maybe you should ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
3 votes
3 answers

Use of the word "Space" in a tag

So far, we have the following tags with the word space in them: space-law space-medicine space-shuttle deep-space space-station space-weather space-junk space-life space-telescope space-elevator ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
  • 121k
2 votes
1 answer

What might a campaign to improve tag definitions and wiki's look like?

Question: What might be a good way to incentivize and/or promote the generation of definitions and wikis for undocumented or under-documented tags in this site? I'm trying to think of perhaps some ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
1 vote
1 answer

Easiest way to get a list of tags for which I've bee the first user? Algorithmically if possible!

I have created >several tags without sufficient documentation. As far as I know there's no easy way for me to get a list of tags by creator (a mod here may have told me that, I can't remember where or ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
1 vote
4 answers

Radical proposal: Merge Space Exploration and Astronomy

I think we'll get more and more into deep trouble if the astronomy proposal is becoming another active site competing with at least this one. I observe more and more questions here, which could ...
s-m-e's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

No Migration Without Representation!

The title is a pun on "No taxation without representation!" a famous slogan referring to an authoritative imperial power. I'm curious - for someone who is active here, why not just ask me if I'd ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
29 votes
2 answers

Graduation of Space Exploration

The Space Exploration Stack Exchange site is scheduled to graduate from Beta to a full site today, December 16th. The moderator team would like to congratulate our entire user base for the ...
called2voyage's user avatar
  • 23.7k
21 votes
0 answers

Moderator Pro Tem Announcement

Throughout the beta, we need members from the site whose focus is to engage the community, both in community-building issues and site management. That's why we select a few members from each community ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Shall we at least temporarily ban chatbot-generated content (e.g. ChatGPT) until it becomes clearer what it means for Stack Exchange?

Higher question-rate sites have already addressed chatbot-generated posting in an essentially universal negative way, for example: Stack Overflow: Temporary policy: ChatGPT is banned How can we ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
15 votes
4 answers

Sponsorship proposal - the Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group

This meeting is held every year by LEAG, a division of NASA that oversees lunar exploration objectives. It is attended by the best in the area of lunar science and exploration. This year I am going ...
kim holder's user avatar
  • 21.4k
11 votes
4 answers

What term should be used for *naut?

While I do not object to the use of astronaut as inclusive of cosmonauts, taikonauts (which Wikipedia indicates is a media term with limited use), astronauts "proper", and any other 'naut, even within ...
user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

When are questions regarding Python on topic here?

I only realized we have a python tag the other day when someone added the tag to several questions containing Python code, and then someone else disputed the validity of the tag. But now we have 17 ...
kim holder's user avatar
  • 21.4k
10 votes
1 answer

Request for cleanup: There's only one space in SpaceX!

Sorry. This just really irritates me: but SpaceX is a single word! There is, ironically, no space between the Space and the X. Neither is there a hyphen or any other type of dash! As an example: <...
marked-down's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Do we need a canonical Mars Landings Are Real answer?

Similar to How do we know the Apollo Moon landings are real? There's been a tremendous amount of churn on the site recently because user azot has been asking questions hinting around about the US Mars ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

January 2020 Moderator Election — Community Interest Check

This community last had moderators appointed in 2017, so it's been a while... In addition to that, you may have noticed that one of the current mods — Hohmannfan — has stepped down from their ...
JNat's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes
3 answers

What's our policy on sci-hub links?

If I want to link a paywalled paper as my source, can I post a direct link through sci-hub, or should I just leave the doi link, and let people seek access by themselves?
SF.'s user avatar
  • 55k
8 votes
3 answers

Does the community spend too much time on debunking conspiracy theories?

It's, I suppose, inevitable that this site will attract Apollo conspiracy theorists (ACT). My experience with these people in real life has taught me that attempting to convince them of reality with ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Do we want to touch the "moon hoax"?

There was recently a question from someone new who came just to ask about the 'obvious moon hoax'. I wouldn't be surprised if this has come up a bunch of other times. @Mark Bailey tried to save the ...
kim holder's user avatar
  • 21.4k
8 votes
3 answers

Should there be a “no evidence of research” flag/VTC option?

The recent “so what happened with New Horizons, anyway?” question is the starkest example I’ve seen of a question that is trivially answered by a quick look at the obvious Wikipedia entry. I’d like to ...
Russell Borogove's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

What is SE community attitude to accepting your own answers?

This help center states that answering your own questions is encouraged, and, if there's no other good answers, one can accept his/her own answer. This answer to a similar question suggests some ...
Sergiy Lenzion's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Places to host reference documents?

I am referencing a document, the Apollo Mission Simulator Instructor Handbook Volume 1, that I can't find on the internet. I see no reason why I shouldn't post this and make it generally available. ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to ask great questions?

This is a canonical question for every poster interested in making this site better. What are the techniques, tactics, and procedures necessary to make my question valuable for the community?
Deer Hunter's user avatar
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