A recent question included the following line:
Note that this question was translated into English by my father, who is the one typing it. I'm eight years old and I don't use SE unsupervised.
Every question asked by this family probably doesn't need that sentence - I think it would get distracting. But the context that OP is eight years old is important when determining the level of detail to use in an answer.
This got me thinking. I like the idea of having a set of questions folks can show their kids to get an extremely basic (but also accurate) intuition for a complex subject. After all, what little kid isn't fascinated by rocketry? Is this within our scope as a community? For the record, I think it should be.
I took a quick look through the existing tags, but didn't find [basic] or [learning] or anything like that.
So how about it? Do we get enough of this kind of question for a tag?
For anyone who might not know, the (half-joking) name in the title is a reference to this xkcd.
tag, and it's the second most used tag there at the moment with 10,893 questions thus tagged out of a total 90,702 questions (which are visible to me at a lowly 600 rep). It's not exactly the same, but I think it's close enough to be a reasonable comparison. $\endgroup$