Not exactly sure how to bring this up, no offense is intended and no disregard to volunteers doing a very difficult job.
I have noticed that occasionally moderator(s) are putting questions on hold, where the community is questioning the action by voting to re-open the questions. This is somewhat controversial as to re-open the community must vote against a clear moderator decision; it may be interpreted as vote against the person (Moderator) or their judgment.
Being a moderator is very difficult, and I do not question the judgement when the question is in or out of scope. The issue is on borderline cases, when a moderator is putting a question on hold with a single vote, it should (for the most part) only occur when the community would be expected to fully ratify the decision.
Our moderators are doing a great job, and are putting in lots of work to make this site a success. Just wondering how to point out when it looks like the grey line between personal opinion and acting on behalf of the community is crossed.