Post in Question I posted an answer that was factual and provided evidence that misinformation was being perpetuated by tweets that Elon Musk made, which led the person asking the question to make an incorrect assumption about the feasibility of rail-gun assisted launch.
Three members of the community voted to delete the answer. These people did not comment or provide reasons. I don't know how to contact them. However, the site's guidelines say...
When should I vote to delete an answer? You may vote to delete answers in the following cases: The answer is extremely low quality: There is little to no scope for improvement The answer doesn't attempt to answer the question; it may be a comment or a separate question altogether.
I don't think that any of these reasons apply here. I would like to ask if people could review the answer, upvote it, and vote to undelete it. I know that there are lots of fans of Elon Musk out there and I am, on the whole, one of them. But I place a higher priority on stamping out the spread of misinformation than being a fan of Elon Musk's accomplishments.
Link to video link in the image below (Note: this is not me or someone that I know speaking in the video)