So I found a comment to an old Space.SE question that made an odd claim. The claim seems far-fetched yet strangely compelling. At the time, Organic Marble responded
citation needed
which made me roll over in laughter. In all the research I've done asking and answering questions, I've never come across anything related to the claim. Yet my curiosity is killing me, maybe someone in the Space.SE community has the answer, and I'd like to formally ask it as a question.
The problem is, it is a poop-related question. You know this will put it on the Hot Network Questions list. Even if one doesn't visit the HNQ page, every SE site puts HNQs in the right margin of each question page. So some poor sap reading StackOverflow at work will get chewed out by his boss for reading a page with "poop" content.
Is there a way to mark or configure a question so it cannot be placed on the HNQ list?
I am looking for an answer that is more than "Don't ask the question." I have tried to make the title of the prospective question as boring as possible.