I'm unaware of a comprehensive list of websites that produce space-related news of-which are accepted, credible sources for this SE. Can we get a "thread" of websites, which are, in your personal opinion, credible? Over-time the ones that are opinionated but bad will be downvoted, and the best will be upvoted. I don't mind you listing multiple credible sources of information per post, but please try to quantify them in some way. Even if the source seems obvious, you're welcome to list it, having a fully-qualified list for international space-sources would be great!
I feel like this will help new-comers get more interested in the SE and provide better sources than QUORA and ilk of that manner.
Example Source:
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Credible news source directly from the people who took us to the moon!
- Additional resources linking to possible credible articles or interesting and relevant information.
Suggested Format:
[Title of News Source 1](Link to News Source 1)
- Information about the News Source 1.
- Information about the News Source 1.
- Etc...